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Korrith's Diary
Korrith's Diary
A sleek black book, most often found laying around Dundee Inn, bears the name Korrith Oniban and seems to have been recently repaired. Teeth marks can still be seen on some parts, as well as smudges of ink and grubby fingerprints of those who could not resist the temptation of flicking through the pages.
Scribbles from Sunday, 19 August 2007
A largely uneventful day preceded another godly visit, last night.

Cory and Miranda came to Dundee with the intent of hearing Valorn's adventurers perform in groups. Very little time was given to prepare, and I was roped by Raffe and Urkki into becoming part of their little performance group in the name of 22.

With such little time to prepare, we had no option but to improvise. After sitting through a couple of... Interesting... Performances, I prefaced our little groups piece by explicitly stating that we were improvising a dramatically read story with Zither accompaniment. And that we were going to make it rhyme, if possible.

I've never been one for impromptu lyrical genius, but I gave it my best shot. I quickly decided that we would tell a tale called "The man with the slippery hands" or something.

Here is the tale, complete with Raffe and Urkki's parts.

Korrith: There once was a young adventurer... By the name of Billy Zands... And he heard the call of duty once, and he answered it's demands...
So kissed his mum upon her cheek and set out to explore the lands... The story would've been fairytale-ish, had he not such slippery hands...

Smooth and as yet unblemished, yet lacking any grip.... His sword and shield were both quite prone to the occasional slip. And as you can imagine, on training this is a blip. Infact it's probably fair to say, Billy's life was a sinking ship

But still he tried his hardest. He stumled into rats. He tickled acid jellies and he poked some mean plains cats.... His language grew quite colourful, he littered it with "drats", but he didn't give up, not Billy, 'Twas not time to hang up his hats...

Raffe: One day he up and left home the better for these lands to roam.

Billy sought both far and wide, something that could be made or tied...

Around his sword to form a grip, to solve the trouble of his slip

He started out with soul leach poo.. and then tried some zombie goo

But alas poor Billy just couldnt make, anything (for Cory's sake!)

To help him keep his sword in hand and help him to defend the land

Urkki: He sought out candyman and bought...

Lots of candyballs to stick the sword into his hand so that he'd be able to answer the calls...

of world crier...he hoped so the be sired...

that...ummm tippety tippety tip tip....uhh...slip.

And that was the end of it. It gave many a chuckle and it felt good to have concocted something on the spot. The gods blessed us before we left, and many people were left happy.

I've started using my Zither more than my weapon, it seems.
Korrith wrote this at 08:39. Add any notes here: - Link - comments
Scribbles from Saturday, 18 August 2007
From time to time, I am called upon to play my Zither. As one of very few people trained and in possession of one, I am asked to do all sorts of things. Play at bonding ceremonies, parties, accompany tales... Entertain goddesses, as I wrote recently.

Last night I was called upon to play Zither for rather a different purpose. While I sat in the inn, idly chatting to those who were around, I received an interesting message. Marked with a royal seal and the words "Secret", I was instructed to go immediately to the Dark Tree and to bring my Zither.

Once there, I nervously waited. Valina arrived and there was some tension between us until we each realised that the other had also been "summoned". Urkki too, arrived and appeared to be connected to what was going on, a suspicion that was later confirmed.

Eventually, High Queen Cordelia arrived with an escort of Hojo and Sreip. The plan was quickly laid out before us. Cordelia was to venture into N'rolav with Urkki and Valina, among others, as escorts.

Sreip and I were tasked with making sure that no one followed them into N'rolav at these unsafe times. We were also told to aid nearby areas in the event of demon attacks, though there were guards set up in all the major towns. Thorin in Caernivale, Skylsganin in Milltown and Yulan in Dundee.

Sreip asked me to play, and I quickly began to strum. Playing a zither is a strange thing. You can immerse yourself in it and sometimes it just seems to... Come naturally, once you've started. I am consistantly amazed whenever wonderful tunes seem to tumble out of my fingers across the strings. As I played, Sreip began to tell a tale.

And for a while. Nothing. The occasional passer by, the sound of Sreip's heavy accent, my playing and a mild wind blowing through the trees.

As if the event were some metaphor for our daily lives, this idyllic peacefulness was shattered by calls to arms. The World Crier's voice bellowed across the country. Demons in every town, Dundee, Milltown, Branishor, Caernivale, ... The Forest.

I looked to Sreip and she encouraged me to continue to play, to stop anyone going to N'rolav, while she went to deal with the demons. So play I did. I concentrated and played and sang, becoming immersed in the zither playing, managing to ignore the Crier's calls and my strong sense of duty in favour of my orders.

Eventually Sreip returned. Only for the World Crier to instantly announce more demons. This time I was to go. I quickly grabbed my hammer and ran up to Milltown. Young adventurers battled demons, and I helped them on the way, healing, blessing. One demon was skulking around in the forest. I got to Milltown bazaar and walked headlong into a massive crowd of people surrounding Cordelia. She was back and she was giving orders to various people, hearing reports, coordinating defense.

With Milltown relatively safe I went back for Sreip. I arrived to see her reading a message and she said we were to go to Milltown. I turned on my heels and went back, this time the skulking demon in the forest was engaged in some battle. I ran ahead to find help and brought some back to defeat it, and then we all met up in Milltown Bazaar, the Queen's temporary command post, it seemed.

She gave orders and heard yet more reports. Eventually she decided to go to Caer Laleldan, and she asked me and the Iron Knights to accompany her, and sent word for her defense commanders in each of the towns to come as soon as all was safe.

As Cordelia is no doubt used to, despite her order that everyone else stay and defend Milltown, many people came to Caer Laleldan. As the attacks seemed to die down and the leaders of defense gave their reports, it seemed as if all eventually arrived at the castle for some sort of celebration. Many were highlighted for their acts of bravery and courage throughout the days events. I got a small mention despite being of very little help.

As we began to settle down, The World Crier called out that Sea Rats were making their way up the beach. Well. They picked a bad time to, when all of Valorn's defenders were out in force. I ran to the beach while everyone else simply portalled, and the raid was largely already dealt with.

Finally, it was over and Cordelia settled down to rest. I made my way to Cerbies where I exhaustedly watched the celebrations and festivities as people celebrated our victory.

The best wake up call is "of duty".
Korrith wrote this at 09:47. Add any notes here: - Link - comments
Scribbles from Tuesday, 14 August 2007
Sleep is an odd thing. It seems to be... Somewhat necessary for us to function, and yet, it seems to be detrimental to our progress if we indulge in it too much.

I think I have indulged in it too much. The warmth of the fire in Dundee Inn or the grill tempts me into a deep sleep far often than is necessary. I may look into some remedies for staying awake... I was never very keen into the "herbal" aspect to cleric hood that some take, but I will say, some of those plant and herb concoctions can work miracles.

So. Yeah. Aside from sleep, very little to report. Oh, actually, since I last wrote it seems Az has managed to overcome whatever was bothering her about Miranda's visit. And it seemed like I had a part in it... Thankfully she's alright now and I can stop playing an all too lethal game of hide and seek across Trinald with her. I do wonder if we'll EVER get to Ethucan...

Hm. I think my dreams are calling me...

Korrith wrote this at 22:32. Add any notes here: - Link - comments
Scribbles from Friday, 10 August 2007
Not too long after my last entry was written, infact I'm sure the ink would still have been wet, I was sat in Dundee Inn when Miranda, the goddess, appeared.

I was somewhat shocked, but at the same time... Almost... Confident. Which is a strange way to feel infront of a Goddess, but I was fairly sure she had enjoyed my zither playing in Cerbies some days ago, through a chain of events I've previously described.

Miranda quickly made her presence felt as the crowd started to heave and make Jeffrey's eyes light up like little platinum pieces. She did infact inflict death on one or two adventurers, and lice on at least two more throughout the night.

Anyway, Miranda came to us with a proposition... A proposition, in these dark times, to put aside bickering and differences, and make her smile. Turns out, making an all powerful being smile, may not be as easy as it seems.

At first we sort of fell over ourselves as people desperately attempted to please Miranda. Several adventurers made the oh-so-foolish error of "Her eyes are shiny. I must interrogate and question her immediately". Finally, some clarity and respect for others came in the form of Talisk's comedy routine, consisting of one rather hilarious joke (Or at least, I laughed). It was definitely a step in the right direction, but not quite enough to make her smile.

Remy, an old friend, and indeed, companion on a couple of well documented Valornian "adventures", I guess, whispered to me that he would like to perform a song. He had one in mind, with little lines for me and everything. He quickly gave me the details and I was able to provide Zither accompaniment.

The song went down quite a treat, and (somewhat reluctantly, I believe), Miranda broke a smile. Among the greatest confidence boosts I receive (And... Thinking about it... I receive quite a lot, these days) are those that stem from playing my Zither for someone in need. I was truly pleased and felt a great sense of honour for Miranda, of all people, to enjoy my playing on more than one occasion. First Cordelia, now this...

Anyway, Remy got a little reward for his humour and charming lyrical prowess in the form of a mystery box, and I got a godly blessing. Miranda did then stay around to hear tales and limericks by various folk, including Azure who was on good form, but seems to be somewhat worse for wear today... Probably because Miranda gave her lice. However, if there's one thing I've learnt about the Gods, it is that they don't seem to hold grudges, and are very open to people redeeming themselves. I know I have made many, many mistakes, and yet even today, they see fit to govern my life with a generous drizzling of good fortune.

Overall, it was a wonderful evening, and I would've written sooner if it were not that my eyes needed a slight rest after staring at the impressive visual display that accompanies Miranda's arrival, exit and very presence.

Right now, I am sitting among a somewhat smaller, but still considerable crowd. I am at the AVE guild hall tavern (No, I won't call it the name they wish us to) grand opening, sitting on one of the most uncomfortable chairs I've had the chance to lodge myself in in some time. Everyone seems to be having fun though, and much singing and merriment is afoot. Fleur's sitting next to me... Guess I oughta make myself sociable...
Korrith wrote this at 19:41. Add any notes here: - Link - comments
Scribbles from Thursday, 09 August 2007
Today marks the first day of my war against the ants. Today also marks the first day in a while that I've managed to get myself totally lost. Shame I chose to combine the two, really.

The ants themselves are rather fearsome, and very strong. And the have disgusting feelers.

Anyway, yes. I got lost. The ant hill goes far deeper than first appears, and before I knew it I was stuck between rock hard sandy tunnel wall and several ant warriors eager to prove their worth. I managed to survive, with the help of my blessings on myself and a couple of ring blasts, and from some of the ants I managed to gain myself some armour, to gift to new adventurers I see about.

After a few marcs, I finally managed to find my way out. I saw a Mysterious Portal on the way out, but I managed to control my adventurous side enough to just take the way out and leave it for some other, more curious person.

I came out in the Wall, which is usually not a difficult place to get out of. I decided against trekking across the wastelands in favour of dropping down into the Wall Beasts lair to use the portal stone to Milltown.

The Wall Beast was at home, so I decided to call someone to come and get it. I called for Shalazan, more commonly known as "Shal" or "The Flea ridden one" as I knew he could use the Wall Beasts claws as a pair of gauntlets. As I clambered out of the lair and into the general tunnel under the wall I overheard that a group of adventurers were inbound trying to get the Wall beast themselves, so I called Shal off and left them to it. I ended up finding TWO red crystal guardians while I wandered the area though. One yielded a red crystal, which isn't exactly what I wanted. I need one more orange, really. The red crystal was quickly decoded into a gibberish scroll (much to my dissapointment).

Finally the adventurers slew the beast and I could get home... It's been a long day. And I don't especially fancy going after those ants again... But what am I going to train on if not them?
Korrith wrote this at 16:30. Add any notes here: - Link - comments
Scribbles from Wednesday, 08 August 2007
Not a whole lot to report. Still neglecting my level 32 training...

Yesterday, Skylsganin took me and Chrysania to the HONOR guild hall. As we walked there I mused on guild hall names, and came to realise that, as far as I know... I was the one who first made a guild name that spelt a word... And it seems to have taken off somewhat now, doesn't it? I don't know if it's a good or a bad thing. Probably neither.

Anyway, once at the guild hall Skyls took us to the... "Cove", they called it. Skyls was stripped in seconds and diving in and Chrysania wasn't far behind...

I've never really talked to anyone about my... Well. It used to be a fear, and now it's just a general uneasiness. I don't like water. Never really have done. I've learnt to put up with it to take ferries, and even, to wash myself in the underground river (Though I'm very, very careful not to let go of the side and let myself slip further down the river. Did once, never again) but... I can't bear to just... Loosely float in water.

As such I just sorta sat, in shallow water, while Skyls and Chrys played. I then left quite abruptly, which was rude of me but... Oh I dunno. Skyls left me a note offering me swimming lessons... Heh. Not exactly what I need.

Later that day I went to a celebratory gathering for new warrior, Kizzy Dew-something or other. And that's pretty much all I did.

I'll write more later.
Korrith wrote this at 07:33. Add any notes here: - Link - comments
Scribbles from Tuesday, 07 August 2007
Well, that missing page hasn't turned up anywhere... I guess I'll never know where it went... Nevermind.

Anyway, I have something new to report. The day before yesterday, Azure persuaded (and by persuaded, I mean she said "Come on!" and ran out the door) me to take on my first ever Green Crystal Guardian.

Yeah. It didn't go so well.

Hot on Azure's heels as I could muster without getting sand flicked right in my eyes, I followed her out into the desert. And there it was. A lumbering, Green Crystal Guardian.

I've always thought the guardians to be quite... Majestic and impressive looking. And at times I would say I have fallen foul of failing to react quick enough due to just being... Well. I guess.... In awe, of these things. Whether that was a valid excuse for what happened next, or if there was some other cause, or purely accident, I do not know.

As Azure took a few (surprisingly graceful) swipes at it to knock it's health down, and nearby adventurers scattered, I tried to bless myself up as best I could. I held my ring up towards the beast and let off a charge. It quickly turned and... Well. Flattened me.

In the blink of an eye I was aching all over and sitting on the floor with my back against a life monument. Passers by regarded me with pity as I spent a moment recomposing and dragging myself back to my feet. I ran off out into the desert once more for a second try.

Another ring blast, and this time in two blows, I was vanquished before I could have much say in the matter. Just before my death I caught a glimpse of Azure, a look of genuine worry and concern on her face as I got crushed.

Another what seemed like eternity at the life monument and I was back on my feet, an ice crystal (given to me by Kallaboi) pressed against my forehead for a moment in some vain attempt to ease the pain of death. Tossing it aside I made my way back to the desert and took up the same battle stance, getting red sand stained with my own blood between my toes now that I'm wearing sandals.

I gave the beast one more blast from the ring, and this time I was lucky enough to dodge it's fatal blows long enough to retreat quickly, as Azure was shouting to me across the battlefield to get out of there if I could to heal. She engaged in the beast while I was gone, though was careful not to kill it. I quickly pressed my hands against my own chest and felt revitalized, refreshed, and ready for action.

Evidently not as ready as I thought. As I let off another ring blast I was slain, quite easily, by the green glowing beast.

The great God Cory, in all his wisdom, will only grant you the power of resurrection a certain amount of times for a set amount of marcs, if that. When that amount has passed, you are essentially town-bound, and cannot go adventuring for a while. So I was stuck. Azure was quite distraught at having got me killed three times, and was determined to find a way to fix this. She called Derema with a death reset scroll, golden age technology to get me back into the fight.

Sadly, it was too late, and before Derema could thrust the scroll into my hands, the beast had been cut down by another. Azure was very upset, I think. But I tried to reassure her it was fine. It wasn't her fault. To be honest, I was glad for the experience and I know I'll be more prepared for the next one I face.

Aside from that, not much has happened... Really must get on with that training sometime... Probably heading off to Ethucan very soon.
Korrith wrote this at 08:43. Add any notes here: - Link - comments (1)
Scribbles from Monday, 06 August 2007
Strange... The last page I wrote about my level up and the gorgeous armour Azure gave me has disappeared... Someone must've pulled it out and taken it...

Korrith wrote this at 08:59. Add any notes here: - Link - comments
Scribbles from Friday, 03 August 2007
After an exhausting day training I managed to drag myself over to Cerbies for a relaxing chat and drink with Azure and co.

But it seems she wasn't intent on letting me rest at all. She raced off to the Oasis in the desert, with me stumbling after her as fast as I could in an attempt to not seem TOO pathetic. When I finally got there we had a mild cooling off around the pool for about a marc... And just when I thought we were going to relax for a chat... Off she sprinted, darting north through the desert towards the desert portal to Ryndall, another race she was sure to win.

When we got there, we stopped in the bunny farm area for my well earned rest. Now, I owe Azure a story, and at every opportunity I am keen to pay off my story debt, as it were. But she has thus far not let me. Despite the tally, I decided to tell a story anyway, that wouldn't count towards the total.

I told her a story (true, as usual, though my next story I tell her may be a retelling of an old fantasy I created for a FOLLOW event) of a time before Ryndall was reclaimed and a series of events that taught me a lesson that I hold to this day. It's a story I doubt anyone yet adventuring remembers (except maybe Thorin) and it's not one I tell often. But it seemed right.

Later we settled back at Cerbies and spoke of Ethucan with Azure, Hojo and a few others. While I was talking, Hojo said "Ethucan Korrith" and walked off when Azure gave him a scalding look... I didn't understand until Azure explained to me that apparently... Residents of Ethucan are called Ethucans, as opposed to Ethucanians. I don't know where my memo was, all I've ever heard them called is Ethucanians! By Tyral for one, and even, I think, T'yandra. I'm assuming it doesn't particularly offend the "Ethucans" either, as it was fine enough for diplomatic proceedings from T'yandra, and Herius Mercanius has even been known to refer to himself as Ethucani rather than Ethucan. I guess in the future I'll try to remember to call them Ethucans, but it sure doesn't seem like a big deal to me, and they don't seem to mind.

News has reached me, from others and now from the man himself, that Fondour is leaving. I figured as much, given his unexplained disappearance. Another goodbye, another friendship ring in the bank, another random collectible (I'm now the proud owner of Fondour's first ever Korunga. Yes, it's as icky as it sounds).

Fondour has always been an odd one for me to place in my mind. At times he's been.. A great friend and someone I respect, and at other times he's been... I dunno. A little strange. For a time it was as if our guilds were competing, back when he had the Guild of Teaching or whatever it was called, and I had the FOLLOW. Regardless, he's... Been a part of my life, a relatively prominent character in my personal grand story. And I'm sure he will be missed.
Korrith wrote this at 13:02. Add any notes here: - Link - comments
Scribbles from Wednesday, 01 August 2007
So much for my relaxing. Meara gave me some sandals and Azure tracked me down and gave me some temporary Splintmail. Guess I've gotta get back on to training...

I bumped into Starling yesterday, after a brief chat with Skylsganin (Who I have now exchanged apologies with). Starling has always been... An interesting character. I think I'm one of very few people who can actually understand most of what she says. She asked about my proposed trip to Ethucan and I told her the story. Starling has always been a good friend to Daisy and she was certainly concerned (Especially after I made a joke at the expense of Genisis Devotrox, suggesting I leave him in Verthedge) but I think I managed to assure her I will take good care of her. And even if I didn't, Azure certainly would.

Fleur and Raffe were in Cerbies, yesterday. It's. Odd. They always seem to be at each others throats, though I know for sure they have a... strong relationship, as it were. As I often am, I am concerned for Fleur somewhat. She's important to me. But, she is a strong woman and she can handle herself, I'm sure. Raffe has been a good friend since I joined the guild, but he can be a little. I dunno. Full of himself, is the term I guess.

Ok then. Time to suit up, grab my hammer, and go and send rascally pirates back to their graves. I'll write again soon.
Korrith wrote this at 08:39. Add any notes here: - Link - comments
034884 people love Korrith, and his shiny bald head